Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Week

Another week come and gone. Another week of feeling basically like a failure in my resolve to meet my goals. It has been a challenging week in so many ways. Daniel lost a good friend who was deployed to Afganistan to an IED. Everything has seemed off kilter and I've felt essentially out of sorts all week. Today was probably my first really good day in the gym this whole week. I haven't done NOTHING but I also haven't been doing enough or staying disciplined with my diet in the manner I need to. I need to remind myself that getting back on track is just a decision away. Choosing NOT to drink the beer or choosing to go to the gym despite my feelings at that precise moment in time. I also need to remember that I feel so much better after going to the gym and working out. The three plus miles on the treadmill and an hour of yoga had me feeling a lot better about things. Now to take it a decision at a time and keep choosing what is going to help me reach my goals not shoot myself in the foot. The only thing I'm not liking about the yoga class I'm taking is that every now and then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I pretty much look like Mrs. Potato Head compared to everyone else in there. I try to remind myself that I am seeing positive progress even with all the derailing. I can now wrap a normal sized towel around myself and have it close all the way, my jeans are noticeably looser, and walking around the neighborhood doesn't have me out of breath like it did when we first got here.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

Okay, so I didn't weigh yesterday because I was seriously down on myself. In the spirit of being totally honest and risking a serious tongue lashing from my trainer I was very bad at being strict with myself last week. This includes things like fried chicken, macaroni and cheese (a small serving!!!), a Milano cookie, and TWO Tequila Sunrises. Oh, and ribs. And sweet potato casserole. Top that with being totally inconsistent with working out and I was seriously bumming.

I wasn't going to weigh at all but was talked into it and so this morning I weighed and I've lost another 3 lbs for a total of 12 so far. I'm GLAD I lost more weight but I also wonder what it COULD have been had I stayed on my routine and eaten more strictly. There were some extenuating circumstances that contributed to my straying off of my plan but I could have done better.

This morning I got back in the gym and hit my routine hard. Got all my cardio in, did 3.25 miles today, 2 of them outside. I can't beat myself up, gonna keep moving forward and realize that it's a process with ups and downs but I feel like I am really making changes.