Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

Okay, so I didn't weigh yesterday because I was seriously down on myself. In the spirit of being totally honest and risking a serious tongue lashing from my trainer I was very bad at being strict with myself last week. This includes things like fried chicken, macaroni and cheese (a small serving!!!), a Milano cookie, and TWO Tequila Sunrises. Oh, and ribs. And sweet potato casserole. Top that with being totally inconsistent with working out and I was seriously bumming.

I wasn't going to weigh at all but was talked into it and so this morning I weighed and I've lost another 3 lbs for a total of 12 so far. I'm GLAD I lost more weight but I also wonder what it COULD have been had I stayed on my routine and eaten more strictly. There were some extenuating circumstances that contributed to my straying off of my plan but I could have done better.

This morning I got back in the gym and hit my routine hard. Got all my cardio in, did 3.25 miles today, 2 of them outside. I can't beat myself up, gonna keep moving forward and realize that it's a process with ups and downs but I feel like I am really making changes.

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