Monday, June 29, 2009


Today was my last session for the month with Cristen, my trainer. In the last month a lot of changes have been made. I'm working hard and feeling good and I feel like I'm off to a decent start. It's hard not to get bogged down in how far I have to go.

We leave on Wednesday to head up to Augusta to spend the rest of Daniel's vacation with his family. I'm a little nervous about having to work out on my own and I hope I can keep up this pace. It's gonna take cracking down from the day we get there and setting myself on a routine. I'll check in with Cristen via email and meet up with her every at LEAST every two weeks to make sure I'm staying on track. It is nice that we'll be closer to a gym at my in-law's house so it'll be easier to get more time there. I want to do more of my cardio inside as it's consistently in the 100's here.

I'll weigh in again and measure on Friday to see how much progress I've made this first full month.

1 comment:

  1. you can do it! I know you can. I've seen how diligent you've been here. Keep your eye on the prize. So proud of you, Joy. HUGS!!!!!
