Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Never knew my right shoulder was lower than the left. Those before pictures are revealing more than I thought they would.

Got my second walk in today. The heat index was at 104, I'm not used to dripping with sweat after a 20 min brisk walk. Yipes. On the other hand, the pool feels awesome when I'm done. It's fun to splash around with the kids before dinner. Emma in particular loves to float around in her little cabana.

1 comment:

  1. When I worked for the insurance company, I learned about the shoulder thing - a chiropractor did a lecture series for us and advised that it partially comes from all that "shoulderbag carrying" we women do. He was also 'kind" enough to point out the problem by using ME as the example. ;)

    AND when the guys in the class all laughed, hooted, and gave each other knowing "well, we aren't that stupid" looks, he calmly pointed out that guys, too, create their own chiropractic issue - by placing wallets in their back pockets and not removing them before they sit down. Just that little extra "lift" (can you imagine those that pack it full and it's 2 inches thick???) on their right side or left creates back/hip issues. They didn't chuckle so much after that...and despite unwillingly being made part of that show-n-tell moment, I still laugh about it. ;)
