Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have definitely felt myself and my determination waning this week. (and it's only Tuesday!) I'm seeing the pattern again of having discipline for about two weeks and then having the motivation kinda wear off. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't caved and put a dent in the number of bottles of Yuengling in the fridge or anything, (I haven't had ANY for that matter) but I see clearly that my own will power is flagging. It would be SO nice to relax with a beer, chow down on popcorn, have a HUGE burger, and of course the venti iced sugar free caramel latte I hear calling my name are getting harder and harder to resist.

I'm also hitting a wall at about 4:30 every afternoon. The tiredness sets in and my patience, especially with the kids, evaporates into nothingness. How am I'm gonna handle with when I don't have extra hands around to help me out? Hopefully as I lose weight the energy will increase.

Other than these few things I'm overall feeling better than I have in a LONG time. Even though my outward appearance hasn't changed all that much as far as I can tell I'm feeling more like a thin person. I feel stronger and my endurance is slowly increasing. I get a little frustrated that the outside isn't changing as quickly as I'd like. I have to remind myself that this is going to take time, months really. It took me a long time to reach this point, it's going to take a lot of hard work and time to undo it.

1 comment:

  1. We are proud of you. The results are showing. Keep going, girl!
